A communications circuit or channel provided for the exclusive use of a particular subscriber. Dedicated lines are often used to move large amounts of data between computers.
A service feature that allows inward-directed calls to a PBX to reach a specific PBX extension without human intervention.
Provides instant Internet and network access at speeds up to 50 times faster than a 28.8 Kbps modem on a standard analog phone line. And because DSL sends data and voice over the same line, you can talk on the phone while you connect. (will vary from provider to provider)
Conversion of sound waves and other information into binary computer code (a series of O's and 1's). At the end point, binary code is converted back into original format. Provides sharper, clearer, faster transmission than analog.
Domain Name System, the system which is used by an Internet host to send e-mail, connect FTP sessions or locate a specific URL. The DNS translates words into numbers so computers can locate a domain name.
To receive data from another computer into your computer. It is also called "receive." The opposite is called "Upload."